The CSA® triple acting air release valves incorporate the RFP technology (Rapid Filling Prevention) and AS (Anti Shock) helping to prevent water hammers in water ducts and its damaging effects.
The RFP device consists of a disc plate sized to diminish the airflow and the rapid closing of the air valve. Also prevents the rapid release of water and flooding during the rapid filling of the duct at low pressure.
The AS device is comprehensive of a spring loaded disc with orifices sized to control the outlet airflow.
Our water Flow Specialists recommend the installation of air valves provided with the AS device at the peak levels of the water duct in pump stations. In the following lay out we are plotting where to install the air valves with AS systems, all other air valves should be also recommended to be provided with the RFP, there are placed in the changing slopes. In addition, there is an anti-hammer tank at the pumps outlet:
VENT = Automatic air vent
AS = Triple acting air valve with AS device
RFP = Triple acting air valve with RFP device