This section will help you to find useful application guidelines of valve and flow control product materials against the required fluid. Use the search engine for a quick finding within the data base, this will show you a recommendation for metals and polymer based materials. However, please read carefully the following remarks before commencing your search:
- Material selection is a final decision of the application engineer and should be based on a professional experience in combination to theoretical and practical knowledge. This finding tool is not intended beyond a useful starting point recommendation and would highly recommend you to contrast results with your data. Do not blindly follow it!. Our Company will not accept contractual responsibilities for the unwary use of this tool.
- This selection guide refers to the valve wetted parts, that is to say, to parts in contact with the media. Other factors such as corrosion and environmental temperature have not been regarded in this guide.
- Material application is not an accurate science and as such should be regarded. Same materials and fluids might behave differently in diverse sites. Other factors such as previous experience, pipe work materials and other parameters would be, therefore, of great importance.
- Internal valve linings have not been regarded in this guide. These are specially used in combination to Diaphragm Valves. We would recommend you to go to our searching tool placed in our dedicated web site
Key enter the fluid name and click on the blue button to start selection.