COMEVAL VALVE SYSTEMS provides a comprehensive range of engineered products for HSRG and Fire Tube Boilers of whatever the combustion be (Biomass, Fuel-oil, fire coal, gas..), see below for more information and talk to our specialists for your upcoming projects.
A heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is an energy recovery heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream. It produces steam that can be used in a process (cogeneration) or used to drive a steam turbine (combined cycle). HRSGs consist of four major components: the economizer, evaporator, superheater and water preheater. The different components are put together to meet the operating requirements of the unit. HRSGs can be supplied modular, or packaged, to minimize shipping problems and site work. Packaged HRSGs are fully assembled units for maximal power of 20 MW applications.
COMEVAL VALVE SYSTEMS provides a comprehensive range of engineered products for HRSGs. They are high quality products ensuring efficiency, reliability and safety, for example:
# Pressure Safety Valves – Full Nozzle ASME sec, VIII y NB – U Stamp
# Desuperheaters for the superheater outlet
# Control Valves for the HP, IP, LP drum, economizers
# Bypass turbine valves
# Level Gauges for HP and LP steam drums, visual and electronic.
# Pump Recirculation valves
# Triple offset valves for high temperature duties
# Vent silencers for valves outlet and chimney
A fire-tube boiler is a type of boiler in which hot gases pass from a fire through one or (many) more tubes running through a sealed container of water. The heat of the gases is transferred through the walls of the tubes by thermal conduction, heating the water and ultimately creating steam. The tank is usually cylindrical for the most part—being the strongest practical shape for a pressurized container—and this cylindrical tank may be either horizontal or vertical.
COMEVAL VALVE SYSTEMS provides a comprehensive range of engineered products for Fire tube boiler rooms. They are high quality products ensuring efficiency, reliability and safety, for example:
# Pressure Safety Valves (EN TUV TRD421 PN 16-40 semi nozzle design with open and closed bonnet).
# Control Valves for feed water tanks and deaireators
# Boiler blow down valves
# TDS control valves
# Manual valves for the boiler outlet
# Water Level controls and level indication